Product Specification Description Advantages Pack
Enviro Prime™
Agrément Certified Prime Safe and easy handling
Environmentally friendly
Excellent penetration on dense base
Compatible with damp base
No solvent emissions
Rapid curing
Bulk 200L drums
A-prime Proprietary Prime Safe and easy handling
Excellent penetration
Rapid curingBudget friendly
Bulk 200L drums
MC-10 SANS 4001-BT2 Cutback bitumen High solvent content
Highly flammable
Low residue binder
Bulk 200L drums
MC-30 SANS 4001-BT2 Cutback bitumen High solvent content
Unsuitable for hand application
Slow curing
Bulk 200L drums
Product Specification Description Advantages Pack
80/100 SANS 4001-BT1 Penetration grade bitumen 25 ºC min road temperature
High application temperature
Aggregate pre-coating recommended
Bulk 200L drums
MC-3000 SANS 4001-BT2 Cutback bitumen High solvent emissions
Low flash point ± 45 ºC hence dangerous handling
High application temperature ± 135 ºC
Minimum road temp 10 ºC
S-E1 TG1 Polymer modified bitumen Enhances the performance of seal using SBS polymers Bulk
S-E2 TG1 Polymer modified bitumen Enhances the performance of seal using SBS polymers Bulk
Gripseal ™ Proprietary Self-priming polymer modified bitumen Ideal for use with graded aggregate for surfacing roads
No priming necessary
Ideal for labour based surfacing
Flexible, durable binder
Marginal aggregate can be used
Self-healing seal
Bulk 200L drums
SC-E1 TG1 Polymer modified bitumen emulsion Allows for seal work to be done with emulsions while harnessing the benefits of polymer Bulk 200L drums
SC-E2 TG1 Polymer modified bitumen emulsion Allows for seal work to be done with emulsions while harnessing the benefits of polymer Bulk 200L drums
Product Specification Description Advantages Pack
SS 60 % SANS 4001-BT3 Anionic bitumen emulsion Very stable
Ideal for machine and hand slurry mixing
Bulk 200L drums
NT Tac Agrément Certified Tack coat Very stable
Significantly reduces lift during paving
Bulk 200L drums
PME 60 % Proprietary Latex modified anionic bitumen emulsion Enhances flexibility in slurry
Suitable for hand and machine mixing
Bulk 200L drums
CSS 60 % SANS 4001-BT4 Cationic bitumen emulsion More suited to machine mixing
Chemical breaking
Lower water requirements
Bulk 200L drums
CRS 60 % SANS 4001-BT4 Cationic spray grade bitumen emulsion Faster breaking than anionic emulsions
Can be applied by hand spray
Dusty aggregate can be used
No heating required
Bulk 200L drums
CRS 65 % SANS 4001-BT4 Cationic spray grade bitumen emulsion Higher binder content to minimize run off
Same as CRS 60 %
Bulk 200L drums
CRS 70 % SANS 4001-BT4 Cationic spray grade bitumen emulsion AHigher binder content to minimize run off
Same as CRS 60 %
CMS 60 % SANS 4001-BT4 Cationic mix grade bitumen emulsion Allows for manufacturing of pre-mix without heating Bulk 200L drums
CMS 65 % SANS 4001-BT4 Cationic mix grade bitumen emulsion Allows for manufacturing of pre-mix without heating Bulk 200L drums
CME Proprietary Cold mix emulsion Mix can be prepared on site
Long shelf life
Low cost
Bulk 200L drums
Product Specification Description Advantages Pack
50/70 SANS 4001-BT1 Penetration grade bitumen Bulk 200L drums
A-E1 TG1 Polymer modified asphalt binder High performance asphalt Bulk 200L drums
A-E2 TG1 Polymer modified asphalt binder High performance asphalt Bulk 200L drums
Bulk Cold Mix Proprietary Cold mix asphalt Longer shelf life
Can be supplied in bags or bulk
Bulk & 40kg bags
Asphalt TRH8 All grades of hot mix asphalt Delivered out of our centrally located plant in Laezonia Tons
Product Specification Description Advantages Pack
ETB SANS 4001-BT3 60% Anionic bitumen emulsion Suitable for in situ stabilisation
Can be manufactured on site
More cost effective
B-Cote Proprietary Aggregate coating fluid Versatile and easy application in the coating of aggregate Bulk 200L drums
T.H.E Rejuvenator Agrément Certified Textured, Hydrocarbon enriched rejuvenator Penetrates bituminous surfaces
Increase lifespan of road for an additional 5 years
Bulk 200L drums
C-E1 TG1 Hot applied polymer modified crack seal High performance crack sealing
Works with uncomplicated operating equipment
25L drums
CC-E1 TG1 Cold applied polymer modified crack seal Can be applied without heating
Minimal equipment required
Bulk 200L drums
PMBSM Agrément Certified Polymer modified bitumen stabilising material Allows for the use of previously unusable in situ material, creating cost savings and minimising environmental impact Bulk 200L drums