Introducing: Enviroseal

Enviroseal is on the forefront in the research and development of new technologies to be supplied to the road industries. Enviroseal is the licensed distributor of the proprietary products produced at Tarspray: Suppress-It and Agrément certified PMBSM and T.H.E Rejuvenator.

Below are the latest products developed by Enviroseal:

T.H.E Rejuvenator

Asphalt and other bitumen based designs are considered to be durable and flexible, making them ideal for the construction of road surfaces. However, through oxidation, over time the surfaces become stiff and brittle resulting in cracking and failures. Having a blend of carefully proportioned amounts of bitumen, aromatics, hydro-carbons and other petroleum derivatives, T.H.E REJUVENATOR can reverse the impact of oxidation, while acting as a retardant to any future oxidation.


Stabilisation is the means to improve the load bearing capacity of in-situ or imported materials for the use in base and sub-base construction. In an ideal situation this can be done without the need of importing material, therefore the need arises for modern technologies like PMBSM.

PMBSM is a combination of polymers, bitumen and surfactants .Bitumen stabilised materials are materials that are treated with a bitumen stabiliser utilising almost any in situ materials creating hydrophobic, durable and flexible base layers.


Suppress-It is a long-term, value-engineered, dust control solution that is custom designed to your unique and specific site conditions. The Suppress-It Dust Management System was developed by civil engineers and road builders to ensure the best solution is offered in the maintenance of gravel haul roads. Suppress-It creates high energy particle charges between bitumen and water molecules, forming a strong bond between the binder and material lying on the road surface.