Product | Specification | Description | Advantages | Pack |
Enviro Prime™ (E-Prime) |
Agrément Certified | Prime | Safe and easy handling Environmentally friendly Non-flammable Excellent penetration on dense base Compatible with damp base No solvent emissions Rapid curing |
Bulk 200L drums |
A-prime | Proprietary | Prime | Safe and easy handling Non-flammable Excellent penetration Rapid curingBudget friendly |
Bulk 200L drums |
MC-10 | SANS 4001-BT2 | Cutback bitumen | High solvent content Highly flammable Low residue binder |
Bulk 200L drums |
MC-30 | SANS 4001-BT2 | Cutback bitumen | High solvent content Flammable Unsuitable for hand application Slow curing |
Bulk 200L drums |
Product | Specification | Description | Advantages | Pack |
80/100 | SANS 4001-BT1 | Penetration grade bitumen | 25 ºC min road temperature High application temperature Aggregate pre-coating recommended |
Bulk 200L drums |
MC-3000 | SANS 4001-BT2 | Cutback bitumen | High solvent emissions Low flash point ± 45 ºC hence dangerous handling High application temperature ± 135 ºC Minimum road temp 10 ºC |
Bulk |
S-E1 | TG1 | Polymer modified bitumen | Enhances the performance of seal using SBS polymers | Bulk |
S-E2 | TG1 | Polymer modified bitumen | Enhances the performance of seal using SBS polymers | Bulk |
Gripseal ™ | Proprietary | Self-priming polymer modified bitumen | Ideal for use with graded aggregate for surfacing roads No priming necessary Ideal for labour based surfacing Flexible, durable binder Marginal aggregate can be used Self-healing seal |
Bulk 200L drums |
SC-E1 | TG1 | Polymer modified bitumen emulsion | Allows for seal work to be done with emulsions while harnessing the benefits of polymer | Bulk 200L drums |
SC-E2 | TG1 | Polymer modified bitumen emulsion | Allows for seal work to be done with emulsions while harnessing the benefits of polymer | Bulk 200L drums |
Product | Specification | Description | Advantages | Pack |
SS 60 % | SANS 4001-BT3 | Anionic bitumen emulsion | Very stable Ideal for machine and hand slurry mixing |
Bulk 200L drums |
NT Tac | Agrément Certified | Tack coat | Very stable Significantly reduces lift during paving |
Bulk 200L drums |
PME 60 % | Proprietary | Latex modified anionic bitumen emulsion | Enhances flexibility in slurry Suitable for hand and machine mixing |
Bulk 200L drums |
CSS 60 % | SANS 4001-BT4 | Cationic bitumen emulsion | More suited to machine mixing Chemical breaking Lower water requirements |
Bulk 200L drums |
CRS 60 % | SANS 4001-BT4 | Cationic spray grade bitumen emulsion | Faster breaking than anionic emulsions Can be applied by hand spray Dusty aggregate can be used No heating required |
Bulk 200L drums |
CRS 65 % | SANS 4001-BT4 | Cationic spray grade bitumen emulsion | Higher binder content to minimize run off Same as CRS 60 % |
Bulk 200L drums |
CRS 70 % | SANS 4001-BT4 | Cationic spray grade bitumen emulsion | AHigher binder content to minimize run off Same as CRS 60 % |
Bulk |
CMS 60 % | SANS 4001-BT4 | Cationic mix grade bitumen emulsion | Allows for manufacturing of pre-mix without heating | Bulk 200L drums |
CMS 65 % | SANS 4001-BT4 | Cationic mix grade bitumen emulsion | Allows for manufacturing of pre-mix without heating | Bulk 200L drums |
CME | Proprietary | Cold mix emulsion | Mix can be prepared on site Long shelf life Low cost |
Bulk 200L drums |
Product | Specification | Description | Advantages | Pack |
50/70 | SANS 4001-BT1 | Penetration grade bitumen | Bulk 200L drums | |
A-E1 | TG1 | Polymer modified asphalt binder | High performance asphalt | Bulk 200L drums |
A-E2 | TG1 | Polymer modified asphalt binder | High performance asphalt | Bulk 200L drums |
Bulk Cold Mix | Proprietary | Cold mix asphalt | Longer shelf life Can be supplied in bags or bulk |
Bulk & 40kg bags |
Asphalt | TRH8 | All grades of hot mix asphalt | Delivered out of our centrally located plant in Laezonia | Tons |
Product | Specification | Description | Advantages | Pack |
ETB | SANS 4001-BT3 | 60% Anionic bitumen emulsion | Suitable for in situ stabilisation Can be manufactured on site More cost effective |
Bulk |
B-Cote | Proprietary | Aggregate coating fluid | Versatile and easy application in the coating of aggregate | Bulk 200L drums |
T.H.E Rejuvenator | Agrément Certified | Textured, Hydrocarbon enriched rejuvenator | Penetrates bituminous surfaces Increase lifespan of road for an additional 5 years |
Bulk 200L drums |
C-E1 | TG1 | Hot applied polymer modified crack seal | High performance crack sealing Works with uncomplicated operating equipment |
25L drums |
CC-E1 | TG1 | Cold applied polymer modified crack seal | Can be applied without heating Minimal equipment required |
Bulk 200L drums |
PMBSM | Agrément Certified | Polymer modified bitumen stabilising material | Allows for the use of previously unusable in situ material, creating cost savings and minimising environmental impact | Bulk 200L drums |